20 May 2011

EVOLUTION 'Life is but a drop in the Ocean'

When a single drop lands in the Primordial soup it triggers a reaction creating life as we know it, but what happens when that reaction begins to slow down?

Running time 2 Minutes 24 Seconds.

Written, Animated, Edited by Simon Tye, UWE Animation.

Music by Moby Gratis.

We made it.

...So production is complete, the screening is complete and I just want to say well done to everyone, all the work was excellent, spent half my day laughing my ass off at the comedies and the other half in solem silence appreciating the more serious tones.

I also want to say a big thank you to all the staff, the students and even the shops at UWE for helping me through what has to be the toughest, but most rewarding semester of my student career so far.

Here's looking forward to next year, and what it may bring!

Well done everyone.

6 May 2011

Progress report

DVD packaging is ready for print.

Video is ready for burning although i suspect some level of compression may be required - Researching this.

One sheet - probably could do with an updating and tidy etc.

Research and Journal are here really. So more research to do!

If i get the chance i will upload the Video (now with extra SFX) but it takes so long and frankly i like having internet that has speed resembling something from this millenia. i.e. not a 28k modem while blogger makes a meal of uploading.

Next up really is printing, making sure it looks presentable and a final check of the video/animations to make sure nothing hideously undesirable has happened

- Note - I am aware the mouth hasn't lined up in SC15. This was my mistake, i created the animation once at Bower Ashton and it was lined up, and then once again at home, where it was not. I didn't notice til it was rendered. I can move it but only will once i have everything but burning the disc done.

Other than that, it's just the One sheeit and then the 2000 words of evaluative genius i have to write.

The end is nigh.

How can anything be New AND Improved?

The re-developed DVD case, disc and production logo.