Work in progress.
Assembled using Sony Vegas Pro 9
PAL DV Widescreen (16:9) 25fps - 720x576
(yes, i know it's meant to be 1050, blame Sony - it wont create a 1050x576 as standard and despite all images being to the same graticule (8) they wont fit to screen [black strips left and right?] - so i left it at 720 for this render)
Run time: 2m15s (including 5 secs blackscreen for intro)
Process: Combination of 2D Digital and traditional.
Additional: Working title sequence inserted. Not all SFX present. Music (Wait for me - Moby) is underlicense, but I have gained rights to use it.
14/03/2011 - Animatic 2.0
An updated version, some very minor timing adjustments to fit animation and inserted some rough line tests to help visualize the style as you watch.