
Initial ideas:

Title: Evolution
Tag Line: 'Life is but a drop in the ocean'

Log Line: A drop of unknown from space lands in the premordial oceans of earth, silently triggering the birth of life, and the evolutional process begins to cycle infinitely.

Titles float past in space, silently, then a drop of 'unknown' from space lands in the premordial oceans of Earth, watched dropping through the atmosphere and deep into the ocean, maintaining shape (circular) even while under the water. The dot hits an amoeba in the water, causing it to rapidly procreate forming the first signs of recognisable life, fish, grows legs etc, goes to land, develops through the stages of man:

(Ardipithicus ramidus, Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens heidelbergensi, Homo sapiens Neandertalensis, Homo sapiens Cro-Magnon, Homo sapiens sapien - ancient man, modern man, electronic age man)  - Edit: may be far less characters when it comes to decision.

 Throughout each process (scene), each character will do something different, probably comical, for instance, Neanderthal man would throw his spear into the back of Cro-Magnon, or Homo Habilis may stop walking to scratch himself inappropriately.

Reaching a point of an exagerated modern/electronic age man, so fat he can't reach the remote on his couch without getting out of breath, he tries to change channel, to watch this animation again (looping) where the final scene is the view panning around the tv and back into the titles of the animation.

Art Style:

Considering the art style, I would like to keep the moving animation black and white, shadowed heavily and hand drawn/digitally manipulated 2D. Landscapes will be a single solid black line, varying in direction from scene to scene as it's written with a few close up action/reaction shots where need but primarily keeping true to the recognisable format that is the side on angle. The backgrounds to the animation I would like to vary in colour to represent time passing, location passing but with no recognisable landmarks for the most part. During the inital scenes, space should be entirely black with white stars and the earth a 'cell shaded' style black and white depiction. The only recognisable location should be as the whole film slows down at the end, for the fat man sat on his couch/recliner/adjustable bed and the TV, still much of the background being a faint colour wash on white.

Layered depth of field is an area I wish to experiment with.