20 Apr 2011

Progress report - 20.04.2011

So i have neglected this site for a little while now, but i have been busy working away.

I'm pleased to say that bar 2 practically static scenes, the animation is complete. Next step is applying the audio foley tracks and timing, then assessing the workload (thanks to visual culture essays, proposals, bibliographies and my incredibly high levels of intolerance to reading that wafty arty book [Philosophers on Art, from Kant, to the Postmodernists, 2010 Columbia University Press] - enjoy!) i am limited.

I'd hit a few snags in the animation, particular scenes coming out much smoother than others and i am making a list of to do's as i type this. Overall it's going well and I am on track to completing the entire animation in it's roughest state by the end of the weekend. Keep checking back or Subscribe for updates to see the new Animatic - final go live sunday night hopefully.

So the 'To Do' list:

Scene 5.5 - Stone falling (attempt one flopped, need to render nicer bg, stone looks ok)
Scene 14 - Fat guy in couch. (remember to enter in from smoke, simple scene otherwise)

To Tidy:

Scene 8 - Character coloured out of lines. Angle and proportions are skewed in last animated frame. BG all good. Colour filter working.

Scene 5.3 - Fish not 3D layer in After Effects (minor cosmetic, but does stand out)

Scene 15 - Credit Sequence far too quick (fitted to scene timing but looks awful - priority)

Scene 0 - Titles. - The drop, path of movement needs smoothing, but looks ok when music and flow are active.(minor cosmetic)

Scene 1 - Drop needs to fall faster, also, for longer. scene is 1/2 second too short to animatic (check script rev. 2) (still working but could get fixed quickly enough - Causing fade to black transition that makes no sense.)

Scene 4 - Monkey tree climb. Awful, knew it was going to be. Took too long to animate the motion of the hands, try with sfx to see if improved.

Scene 4.2 - Still using old flash animation. Could be replaced with new Gorilla model for consistancy but low priority as it's a very distant shot.

Scene 6 - Stood still. Looks nice, needs that 'ping' on the sun inserting. Easy job.

Scene 7 - Re-shoot if time, get better frame timings and reduce red filter to opacity 34% (production standard)

Think that should be enough to keep me busy while I slowly work myself into an early grave!

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